Christmas in Echo Holiday Lights

Annual Event
During the Holidays
Echo, Oregon
Info: (541) 376-6038
Echo is not only known for its history, but an honored tradition of greeting the Christmas Holidays with elaborate displays of Christmas lights and decorations. Most years, at least 50 percent of the homes are decorated with at least a few strands of lights.
The Historic Koontz House, which is on the National Register, resembles a wedding cake decorated in lights instead of icing, while mannequins dressed in period costumes adorn the porch. The Esteb House features animated decorations such as carousels and a small train with Disney characters and stuffed animals on rides. Thousands of lights are used at both locations.
It is common on holiday evenings to see impromptu parades of visiting cars traveling down the streets viewing the Christmas displays. City Hall inside-and-out is also known for elaborate and elegant decorations, as is the city parks.
The Echo City Staff, Echo/ Stanfield Police Dept., and Echo Fire Department not only organizes the Christmas Basket for the Needy program, but delievers them via fire engine and police escort.
To find out what is going on this Christmas season, call (541) 376-6038.