The Floral City of Umatilla County

America in Bloom Award Recipient (3)
Official Flower: Dahlia
Official Tree: Red Horse Chestnut
Sponsorship: Kopacz Nursery & Florist, Hermiston
Echo is the Floral City of Umatilla County. The Dahlia is our official flower and the Red Horse Chestnut is our official tree, as reflected in the recently dedicated Dorn Tree in Fort Henrietta Park. Echo remains Oregon’s smallest Tree City USA designee, an Arbor Day Foundation honor dating back to 1989.
City Floral Display Guides
Click any thumbnail image on the left to view our ever-growing collection of city floral guides in PDF format. You'll quickly see the important role that floral beautification plays in the city's identity and renassaisance.

America in Bloom
The city of Echo was an America in Bloom Small Cities' winner in 2009, 2010 and 2013. As a three time winner, Echo was honored with an AIB Circle of Champions award in 2013. An Oregon Heritage Award followed in 2009.
Partner and Sponsor
Kopacz Nursery in Hermiston has been our primary sponsor and a driving force behind the city's participation. Tanya Kopacz-Hoeft selects the plants and plants the floral displays for the public areas around City Hall, Main and Thielsen Streets in her Kopacz Greenhouses. Her artistic selection of plants and colors gains more appreciation by visitors and locals each year.
The city has added landscaping along Main and Thielsen Streets, adopted a downtown plan (raising grant funds to implement it), added flowers in parks, Main Street, around City Hall and at the golf course. Plantings have been diversified. Historical projects such as the Farm Equipment Display on North Thielsen have been added and improved.
In 2011, grants funded painting of equipment and added signage. Grants and donations provided the new entry signs that feature artwork depicting the image of Echo Koontz. In 2010, 17 interpretive panels were added downtown to create a Museum of the Streets.
City Beautification
The city has a beautification contest to recognize efforts in private gardens and commercial spaces. Winners are announced during National Night Out each summer.
Floral Displays Guides
Click to view guides or visit our publications page.