City Location
Location: Northeast Oregon
County: Umatilla
Nearby City: Hermiston, 8 mi.
Major Highway: I-84, 1 mile.
Located 188 miles east of Portland, the City of Echo is situated along the Umatilla River within a tree-lined valley known as the Echo Meadows. Hunting, fishing, hiking, mountain biking, golf, boating, bird-watching and other nature activities abound. Echo is a popular stop for Oregon Trail enthusiasts and other history buffs.
City of Echo: 705
Echo Library Service Area: 1,200
Umatilla County: 72,190
Established: 1880
Railroad Arrived: 1883
Incorporated: 1904
Elevation: 638 ft.
Average Monthly High: 74 F
Average Monthly Low: 41 F
Hottest Month: July
Coldest Month: January
Driest Month: July
Wettest Month: December
Average Annual Precipitation: 9.060 in.
Average July Humidity: 34%
Average January Humidity: 77%
Points of Interest
Museums: 2
Historical Places: 10
Oregon Trail Sites: 3
Golf Course: Echo Hills Golf Club
Wineries: Sno Road Winery and Echo Ridge Cellars
Campground: Ft. Henrietta RV Park and Campground
Arbor Day Foundation: Tree City USA
City Motto: Echo, Where History Blooms
City Tree: Red Horsechestnut
Getting Here
From I-84, exit 188, head south on Thielsen Road for 1 mi. Turn right on Main Street and proceed into the historic downtown area.

Portland, Oregon: 188 mi.
Boise, Idaho: 242 mi.
Kennewick, Washington: 41 mi.
Pendleton, Oregon: 20 mi.