How to Pay?
Currently accept cash, checks & money orders. Coming soon we will be accepting debit & credit cards & online payment access.
Can pay in person in the Clerks office M-F 9 -5; mail in your bills; have your bank mail in your payment; using the envelopes provided on the east main door located on Bonanza St.- place your payment in the mail slot in the door.
Concern or Complaint?
Where to lodge a concern or complaint?
Contact the City Clerks Office for all concerns and complaints. The issue will either be handled at point of contact or re-directed to the appropriate department.
When are the meetings?
City Council meetings are currently being held on the 3rd Thursday of every month at 4 PM.
Where to Vote?
The State of Oregon is 100 percent mail in ballets. The Drop box for the mail in ballets is located on the Croner of Bridge St. and Bonanza – on the south sidewalk of City Hall.
Garbage & Recycling?
If you need garbage service, a large receptacle or a drop box and you live in the City limits of Echo, contact the Clerks office for more information. The City recycling area is located in the gravel lot on the east side of the Echo Fire Department, next to the railroad tracks.